A firefighting service was already in existence at the time of the PapalStates. It was organized militarily, and armed and equipped with firefighting equipment and an elegant uniform, as seen in etchings and watercolour paintings from around1820, stored in the Vatican Archives and in the National Library. At the beginning of the 1900’s, a firefighting service operated in the Holy Apostolic Palaces.
The firefighters corps was instituted in 1941 during the Pontificate of Pius XII, when the war prompted the establishment of a well-organized operational group that was trained and equipped to provide effective first response services inside Vatican City and in the extraterritorial properties.
Their fire station was located inside a Vatican building, with an entrance on Belvedere Courtyard where the current Corps is still now housed.
The Group of fire fighters was entrusted to the special protection of Saint Anthony, the Abbot, whose Feast Day is celebrated on 17 January.
In 2002 the Law on the Governance of the State, instituted the Directorate of Security and Civil Protection Services. As mentioned above, it is responsible for the Gendarmerie Corps, which until then, had been under the charge of the Directorate of Technical Services of the Governorate.
From that time onwards, a true and proper reorganization of the firefighter corps took place, which led to hiring highly qualified staff, following training courses with sophisticated instruments, held at the Basic Training School of the firefighters of Rome. A new blue uniform made of materials in line with existing regulations, was also added. The fire station underwent enormous changes in order to adapt to the new demands. Small rooms were set aside for staff and new offices were built. The Fire Brigade is currently entrusted to the protection of Saint Barbara, who is also the Patron Saint of Italy’s firefighters, and Saint Leo IV.(1)
The Feast of the Patrons is celebrated on 4 December, Liturgical Feast Day of Saint Barbara.
In addition to specific fire-extinguishing duties, the firefighters also provide first response and prevention services to protect persons and properties. Their constitutional task is to protect human life and safeguard properties and the environment from damages and danger caused, not only by fires, but also other accidents or malicious activities, taking direct action with the necessary, convenient and immediate assistance.
The firefighters are also responsible for checking firefighting equipment inside Vatican City and in some extraterritorial properties. They also carry out civil protection services in cooperation with the Gendarmerie Corps colleagues, under the same Directorate.
Given the enormous religious, historical and artistic importance of Vatican City State, an authentic treasure trove considered a heritage of all humanity, and the highly precious documents of fundamental importance in paper form stored in the Vatican Apostolic Palace and in the Apostolic Library, the FireBrigade has a huge and delicate responsibility in prevention and control operations. Precisely because of its unique activities and the knowledge of alarm systems and security devices required, the staff must be technically prepared, also with regular courses to update their skills.
Firefighters carry out countless interventions on a daily basis: they check and maintain fire-prevention equipment, provide assistance in cases of accidents resulting from structural repairs, flooding, road accidents, removal of cars and all situations that are a public danger to persons and properties, as well as various operations in support of the other Directorates of the Governorate (Technical services, General Services, Vatican Museums, etc.).
They provide special fire-protection services at the heliport in the Vatican Gardens, during the arrivals and departures of the Holy Father and those of other dignitaries.
The Fire Brigade is under specific regulation promulgated for an experimental period of two years by Decree of the Cardinal President of the Governorate, No. 488840, dated 10 November 2009. It currently has 30 firefighters, under the direction of a Coordinating Officer.
Requirements to enrol in the Firefighters Corps
In order to be considered for selection for enrolment in the Fire Brigade of Vatican City State, in addition to the requirements specified in the General Regulation for Vatican City State personnel, candidates must be:
The application must include a letter from one’s parish priest of from a priest who can ensure he knows the candidate well.
Preference will be given to candidates who belong to a firefighting or civil protection group or have specific qualifications related to safety in the workplace.
Applications can be sent to: Firefighters Corps, 00120 Vatican City.
Telephone numbers and email addresses
Firefighters (
Firefighters - emergency: +39.06.698112
¹ Remembered as the Pontiff who, in 857 according to Liber Pontificalis, imparting his solemn blessing from the Vatican Basilica’s Loggia of Benedictions, miraculously put out a fire that had developed in the neighbouring borgo, thus saving the Church and the people. The Room of the Fire in the Borgo in the Vatican Museums, with frescoes by Raphael, recalls the event.