Government bodies
1.The Cardinal President of the Pontifical Commission of Vatican City State exercises the executive power and has the title of President of the Governorate. In exercising his duties, the President is assisted by the General Secretary and by the Vice General Secretary, to whom he can delegate other functions.
2.The President ensures the governing of the State, in accordance with Article 5 of the Fundamental Law of Vatican City State (1); issues the directives that are needed for its general organization and outlines the direction of the administration. In exercising his power, he is assisted by the General Secretary and the Vice General Secretary, and with advisory functions, by the Councillor General of the State, other Councillors of the State, the Directors and those in charge of Bodies.
(Article 2 of the Law on the Governance of Vatican City State No. CCLXXIV of 25 November 2018).
- The President of the Pontifical Commission is the President of the Governorate and exercises his executive functions in conformity with the Laws and other regulating norms.
- The President is assisted by the Governorate, whose government bodies and entities, work together in exercising the executive functions of the State, in the areas mentioned in Article 4.
- Matters of greater importance are submitted by the President, according to their significance, to the Supreme Pontiff or to the Pontifical Commission.
(Article 15 of the Fundamental Law of Vatican City State of 13 May 2023).
1.The General Secretary is appointed by the Supreme Pontiff for a five-year term. He substitutes the Cardinal President when the latter is absent or otherwise hindered.
2.The General Secretary implements the decisions and directives of the President, supervises administration activities, coordinates the functions of the Bodies of the Governorate and ensures that their activity is in compliance with the law and appropriate to the pursuit of the assigned objectives; supervises personnel and organizes or adopts necessary provisions; protects and affixes the official seal of the State, pursuant to Article 20, paragraph 3 of the Fundamental Law. (1)
3.The General Secretary is assisted by the General Secretariat in carrying out his duties.
4. When the Apostolic See is vacant (sede vacante) the General Secretary attends to the ordinary governance of the office and, in compliance with existing norms regulating the sede vacante, attends to its routine business.
(Article 3 of the Law on the Governance of Vatican City State No. CCLXXIV of 25 November 2018).
1.The General Secretary cooperates with the President in exercising his duties.
2. He substitutes the Cardinal President when the latter is absent or otherwise hindered, with the exception of issuing provisions that have the force of Law and in the adoption of other legislation.
3.The General Secretary represents the State when it is required by laws or regulations or when delegated by the President. He oversees the execution of laws and the adoption of other legislation and implements the President’s decision and directives.
(Article 16 of the Fundamental Law of Vatican City State of 13 May 2023).
The Vice General Secretary is appointed by the Supreme Pontiff for a five-year term, with the functions mentioned in Article 10 of the Fundamental Law.
(Article 4 of the Law on the Governance of Vatican City State State, N. CCLXXIV of 25 November 2018).
The Vice General Secretary cooperates with the President and with the General Secretary and performs other duties that pertain to him, and oversees the preparation and drafting of deeds and correspondence. He substitutes the General Secretary when he is absent or otherwise hindered or when he is delegated by him.
(Article 17 of the Fundamental Law of Vatican City State of 13 May 2023).