Monastery of the Immaculate Conception - Order of the poor clares (Albano)

The Monastery of the Poor Clares in Albano dates back to the Pontificate of Urban VIII (Maffeo Vincenzo Barberini). It was established by Princess Caterina Savelli and the Princes of Albano, as a gift to Sister Francesca Farnese, a Poor Clare nun, who had previously founded a monastery in Farnese (Viterbo), where she had started the Reform of the strict observance of the Poor Clares’ way of life.
On 8 February 1631, Sister Francesca left the Monastery in Farnese to begin the new mission to which God was calling her. During a journey to Albano Laziale, she stopped in Rome, where, thanks to Costanza Barberini – Pope Urban VIII’s sister in law – she had the joy of being received by the Pope. As soon as the Holy Father saw her, he was struck by her humility, and turned to those present, saying, “She is a great servant of God”. The two engaged in conversations regarding spiritual matters, her way of life and the new Reform she had undertaken. Like a true father, the Pope encouraged her in her faith and asked her to pray for the needs of the Holy Church and for himself (which the Sisters have continued to do throughout the centuries to this day). The Pope ensured her of his support for the monasteries she had founded.
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