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  • Initiatives organized by the Pontifical Villas and the Vatican Museums for Christmas and the Jubilee, at Castel Gandolfo

    Two masterpieces at the service of evangelization by Raphael and Ghirlandaio

    The beautiful tapestry, “The Stoning of Saint Stephen”, by Raffaello Sanzio, will be on display in the Sala dei Papi (Hall of Popes) of Castel Gandolfo’s Pontifical Palace, while the painting, “The Adoration of the Child”, by Domenico Bigordi, known as Ghirlandaio, will be on display in the Palace’s lower floor, along with four paintings of the Nativity by Masters of the 15th century.

  • Mercedes-Benz delivers first electric popemobile to Pope Francis

    Zero emissions vehicle for the Jubilee

    The first entirely electric popemobile has been delivered to Pope Francis by Mercedes-Benz. Inspired by the principles outlined in the Encyclical, Laudato Si’, it will be used throughout the Jubilee.

    The vehicle was delivered during a ceremony at Largo Giovanni Paolo II in the Vatican on Wednesday afternoon, 4 December.

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