Gendarmerie Corps

History of the Gendarmerie Corps
The Gendarmerie Corps is responsible for public order, security and judicial police functions in Vatican City State.
The Corps was instituted two centuries ago by Pope Pius VII in1816, with the restoration of the Papal States, following the Congress of Vienna after the fall of Napoleon’s Empire.
The Corps reported directly to the Minister of Arms and exercised its functions in all the territories of the State, which included the Regions, Emilia Romagna, the Marches, Umbria and Lazio.
In 1849, on his return from exile in Gaeta after the fall of the Roman Republic, Pius IX reorganized the Armed Corps, transforming the Papal Carabinieri Corps into the Papal Velites Regiment, charged with providing public security. By the end of the year, he had changed its name to Papal Gendarmerie Corps, which reported directly to the Cardinal Secretary of State.
The Gendarmerie became crucial in guaranteeing stability to the State and intensely participated in battles against the advance of the Savoyard troops, which gradually invaded the Papal States, until the Capture of Rome in 1870, when Rome was proclaimed capital of the Kingdom of Italy. The Pope withdrew inside the Vatican and a small group of Gendarmes continued to loyally perform its security and defence services at the Palace and in the Gardens, until 1929.
Once the Roman Question issue had been resolved with the Lateran Treaty, and a new Vatican City State had been established, the Gendarmerie contingent was considerably expanded to face the new demands of a wider territory, especially taking into account the extraterritorial properties.
The Gendarmerie continued to fulfill its duties until 1970, when, with a Letter dated 14 September 1970, followed by the issuance of Law No. LXVII of 15 December, Paul VI dissolved all the armed corps, with the exception of the Pontifical Swiss Guard. The Gendarmerie was transformed into a new “Central Security Office”, retaining all the functions established by the then in effect Regulation approved by Pope Pius XII. Article 1 of the Regulation stated: “The Gendarmerie Corps protects the Supreme Pontiff and defends the territory of Vatican City State, exercising the inherent functions of police service, internal order and security, and ensuring the observation of the State’s laws and rules and the orders of public authorities. It also serves as guard of honour”.
Law No. CLXVIII of 25 March 1991, partially modifying Law No. LXVIII of 15 December 1970, changed the name again, to “Security Corps of Vatican City State”.
With Law No. CCCLXXIV of 2 January 2002, the Pontifical Commission of Vatican City State changed the name again, to “Gendarmerie Corps of Vatican City State”.
With Decree No. 476431, of 18 September 2008, H.E. Cardinal President of the Governorate promulgated the current Regulations for the Gendarmerie Corps, ad experimentum.
The Gendarmerie Corps and the Fire Brigade, bound by respective and special rules, answer to the Directorate of Security and Civil Protection Services (Law No. CCCIXXXIV of 16 July 2002). The Directorate is headed by the Commander of the Gendarmerie Corps, who coordinates its activities and manages the administration aspects of said activities. The Directorate and its two units, in cooperation with the Security Committee, is responsible for security and public order, in close cooperation with the Pontifical Swiss Guard and the relevant Vatican Bodies, as well as for seeking the cooperation of similar structures within the Italian State or other States, through the competent channels. It is also responsible for accident prevention and for making necessary interventions when accidents occur.
The Gendarmerie Corps provides for the security and safety of the Supreme Pontiff during all his transfers, including his pastoral visits in Italy and his international and intercontinental journeys. It performs the institutional duties of police services, including border control, judicial services and traffic control, ensuring the security of places and people, keeping public order and preventing and repressing crime. It works in cooperation with the judicial Bodies and with the competent Authorities of the Holy See.
As it has always been, this enduring service is carried out on patrol and on guard duty and covers 24 hours a day, every day of the year. It requires the greatest commitment in every situation, guaranteed by competence, prudence, discretion and dedication in dealing with delicate and important duties, which by their very nature, include due and rigorous discretion, especially considering the Holy See and the Vatican in light of the global context.
Keeping public order during countless solemn papal celebrations, audiences, meetings and ceremonies, is no less demanding, and involves the use of the latest technology in the field of security and control operations.
On Italian territory, the Gendarmerie Corps cooperates jointly with the Inspectorate for Public Security at the Vatican, whereas beyond the Italian border, the Gendarmerie acts in accordance with the Police Authorities of the host nation.
Two special units known as Rapid Intervention Group (G.I.R.) and Anti-Sabotage Unit report directly to the Commander of the Gendarmerie Corps. The Rapid Intervention Group has the aim of preventing subversion activities through information analysis and information sharing, as well as by providing technical and logistical support to investigation activities. It also provides immediate response support in high risk situations. The Anti-Sabotage Unit is a special group of highly specialized members, equipped with sophisticated and advanced technological equipment. The main activities of these experts, who are regularly updated on the latest intervention techniques, consist in recognizing, neutralizing and/or putting into action all the necessary security measures when suspicious packages or parcels are found, cooperating in police activities and assisting the investigation team.
An operational and control room, complete with the latest alarm and video-surveillance systems, was established at the beginning of the Holy Year of 2000 as a center of operations and coordination for emergency rescue on the territory. A permanent and continuous protection service that is operational 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, it makes use of technological and computer tools to analyze and evaluate in real time, all the information gathered by surveillance. It is always ready to initiate response and prevention procedures when emergencies arise or in high-risk situations, responding to distress calls or to reports made in the territory.
The Corps is also tasked with keeping public order in the Holy See’s extraterritorial properties, where it provides prevention and security services, especially in the Papal Basilicas. This includes continued and targeted operations aimed at protecting spaces and territorial rights of areas with special rules and jurisdictional characteristics.
At the request of the Judicial Authority of the State and with the approval of the Secretariat of State, Vatican City State has become a member of INTERPOL, International Criminal Police Organization. It marked a turning point for the Gendarmerie Corps’ activities, in particular in gathering information on criminal activities, identifying the best operative procedures for prevention against organized crime and subversive organizations, sharing information on the most efficient investigation experience, and above all, acquiring personal data of people who are already reported as being on the international territory, which is of crucial for all information and investigation activities.
The Gendarmerie Corps is entrusted to the protection of Saint Michael the Archangel. The Patron’s Feast is celebrated on 29 September, the liturgical celebration of Saints Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Rafael.
Musical Band of the Gendarmerie Corps
The Musical Band of the Gendarmerie Corps was established in October 2007, at the request of the Commander of the Gendarmerie Corps, with the blessing of H.E. Cardinal President of the Governorate. It currently has 100 members, all of whom are volunteers, with conservatory of music diplomas, great professionalism and profound musical vocation. Many of them are members of Italian military bands. The musicians, who wear an elegant blue uniform and a beret bearing the Gendarmerie’s crest, often practice inside the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican.
The Band of the Gendarmerie Corps performs the ceremonial duties and functions of the former Papal Gendarmerie Band, which was established in July 1851, and was particularly renowned at the time. It descended from musical formations of the Papal Velites Regiment, which was particularly attentive to musical organization.
Appreciated for the variety of its repertoire and for the formal precision of its performances, the Band performs on numerous occasions at the Vatican, in the extraterritorial areas and in Italy, achieving huge success and eliciting great admiration for its impeccable interpretations.
Requirements to join the Gendarmerie Corps
To be considered for selection for enrolment in the Gendarmerie Corps of Vatican City State, candidates must be:
- Male
- between the ages of 21 and 24;
- have a healthy and robust constitution;
- at least 178 cm tall;
- unmarried;
- high school graduate or equivalent title;
- professing and practicing Catholic
The application must include a letter from a parish priest or from a priest who can ensure he knows the candidate well.
Applications can be sent to: The Gendarmerie Corps, 00120 Vatican City.
Telephone numbers and email addresses
- Operations Room - Emergency ( ): +39.06.698112
• Command Office ( ): +39.06.69865140
• Interpol Office: +39.06.69865164/167
• Office of the Musical Band ( ): +39.06.69865166
• Lost and Found ( ): +39. 06.69865140