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  • The Cardinal President celebrates Holy Mass with the families of the Directorate of Security and Civil Protection Services, on the occasion of Epiphany

    In Christ, the Bright Morning Star

     Epiphany is a celebration for adults and children, alike. On Saturday afternoon, 4 January, Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, celebrated Holy Mass in the Church of Maria, Madre della Famiglia (Mary, Mother of the Family), to come together and share the joy of the arrival of the Magi with their gifts. Fr. Franco Fontana, Chaplain of the Directorate of Security and Civil Protection Services and of the Directorate of Museums and Cultural Heritage, concelebrated the celebration, along with the Cardinal. Among those present, were Sr. Raffaella Petrini, Secretary General of the Governorate, Mr. Giuseppe Puglisi-Alibrandi, Deputy Secretary General, and Mr. Gianluca Gauzzi Broccoletti and Mr.  Davide Giulietti, respectively, Director and Deputy Director, of the Directorate of Security and Civil Protection Services.

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