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  • La Seton Hall University conferisce la laurea honoris causa in scienze umane a Suor Raffaella Petrini

    Lavorare per il bene di tutti

    Suor Raffaella Petrini, Segretario Generale del Governatorato dello Stato della Città del Vaticano, ha ricevuto la laurea honoris causa in scienze umane della Seton Hall University. La consegna ufficiale si è svolta durante la 168ªcerimonia del conferimento della laurea, martedì 21 maggio, nel Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey (Stati Uniti d'America).

  • La Specola Vaticana promuove un convegno scientifico dedicato a Monsignor Georges Lemaître

    Buchi neri, onde gravitazionali e singolarità spazio-temporali

    “Buchi neri, onde gravitazionali e singolarità spazio-temporali”: è il tema del convegno scientifico che si svolgerà a Castel Gandolfo dal 17 al 21 giugno. Promosso dalla Specola Vaticana, organismo scientifico del Governatorato - e sostenuto dall'Istituto nazionale di Fisica nucleare (Infn), uno dei più importanti istituti di ricerca pubblici italiani - l'incontro internazionale vuole ricordare l’eredità scientifica di Monsignor Georges Lemaître (1894-1966), il fisico belga che ha sviluppato quella che oggi è conosciuta come la teoria del Big Bang.

  • Le Poste Vaticane emettono un francobollo congiunto per celebrare i 160 anni della fondazione della Croce Rossa Italiana

    Torce accese di solidarietà.

    A 160 anni dalla fondazione della Croce Rossa Italiana, avvenuta a Milano il 15 giugno 1864, ben quattro Stati emetteranno congiuntamente un francobollo commemorativo. Si tratta delle Amministrazioni Postali di Città del Vaticano, Italia, San Marino, e Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta.

  • May Artificial Intelligence continue to develop in such a way as to reduce inequality and injustice

    Address of Sister Raffaella Petrini’, Head of the Holy See delegation to the International Telecommunication Union’s WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event 2024, held in Geneva.

    There is an urgent need to outline a framework to regulate Artificial Intelligence, one developed by experts from various areas and sectors, who can assess potential developments, benefits and risks, said Sister Raffaella Petrini, General Secretary of the Governorate of Vatican City State, and head of the Holy See’s Delegation, during a ministerial round table discussion of the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event 2024, on the theme: “The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Action Lines and the WSIS+20 review process”. The High-Level Event took place on Tuesday, 28 May in Geneva, Switzerland.

  • One year after the entry into force of the new Fundamental Law of the Vatican City State

    Reform in the reforms

    A year has passed since the Basic Law of the Vatican City State came into force: 7 June 2023-7 June 2024. Pope Francis, issued it on 13 May 2023, on the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima. It replaced the one of Saint John Paul II of 26 November 2000 which, in turn, had replaced that issued on 7 June 1929 by Pius XI.

  • Opening of the official Instagram account of the Governorate

    The Governatorate of the Vatican City State, faced with the changed habits in the field of information in recent years, modernizes and digitises its communication.

  • Planting an orange tree in the Vatican Gardens with the Embassy of the Dominican Republic to the Holy See

    In memory of the Apparition of Our Lady of Altagracia

    Our Lady of Altagracia has been protecting and accompanying the people of the Dominican Republic since 1514.  A replica of the venerated image can also be found in the Vatican Garden’s Bastione Maestro. According to tradition, the image appeared on an orange tree. In memory of the Apparition and in an effort to strengthen the bond between Vatican City State and the faithful of the Caribbean nation, on Tuesday morning, 23 July, Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State and Luis Emilio Montalvo Arzeno, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the Holy See, planted an orange tree in the Vatican Gardens. Salvatore Farina, Director of the Directorate for Infrastructures and Services, was also present at the tree planting event.

  • Pontifical Commission of Vatican City State Promulgates General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data

    Responsibility and transparency for the protection of people

    Perhaps not everyone knows that in the Vatican too, personal data is protected by law. On 30 April 2024, with Decree No. DCLVII, the Pontifical Commission of Vatican City State promulgated its first General Regulation on the protection of personal data.

  • Pope Francis meets the children of the Summer Boys in the Vatican

    Making peace is the most beautiful thing

    Five hundred colored balloons made of natural rubber - all biodegradable, including the rope, expression of the vocation to protect creation of the Governorate - launched into the sky to express joy for meeting with Pope Francis. On each were impressed the words of the Pontiff: "To you, dear boy, to you, dear girl, you are precious in the eyes of God".

  • Pope meets with participants in a conference promoted by the Vatican Observatory

    Faith and science united in charity

    “Faith and science can be united in charity, provided that science is put at the service of the men and woman of our time and not misused to harm or even destroy them. I encourage you, then, to press forward to the outer limits of human knowledge. For there, we can come to experience the God of love, who fulfils the deepest yearnings of the human heart”, Pope Francis said on Thursday morning, 20 June, to participants in the second international conference dedicated to Msgr. Georges Lemaître (1894-1966), the Belgian physicist who developed what is today known as the Big Bang theory.

  • Presentation of a commemorative stamp for the 160th anniversary of the Foundation of the Italian Red Cross

    Everywhere for everyone

    Solidarity, fraternal help, assistance without distinction are the values that the Vatican Post Office wished to celebrate with the joint issue of the commemorative stamp for the 160th anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Red Cross, with the postal administrations of Italy, San Marino and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The stamp depicts Italian Red Cross volunteers involved in  rescue operations at the site of the collapse of the Polcevera Viaduct, known as the Morandi Bridge, in Genoa on 14 August 2018. The stamp was unveiled by the engineer, Antonino Intersimone, Director of the Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Systems of the Governorate.

  • Presentato il francobollo commemorativo per i 160 anni dalla fondazione della Croce Rossa Italiana

    Ovunque per chiunque.

    Solidarietà, aiuto fraterno, assistenza senza distinzioni. Sono questi i valori che le Poste Vaticane hanno voluto celebrare con l'emissione congiunta del francobollo commemorativo per i 160 anni dalla fondazione della Croce Rossa Italiana. Lo hanno fatto con le amministrazioni postali di Italia, San Marino e Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta.

  • Renewable energy and protection of the ecosystem

    The Motu Proprio, Fratello Sole, calls for the construction of an agrivoltaic plant to supply electricity to Vatican City State

    In his Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio, Fratello Sole of 21 June 2024, Pope Francis entrusted Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, and Archbishop Giordano Piccinotti, President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, with the “the task of constructing an agrivoltaic plant located within the extraterritorial zone of Santa Maria di Galeria that will guarantee, not only the power supply of the radio station there, but also the complete energy sustenance of Vatican City State”.

  • Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

    He is one of the first four Doctors of the Church of the West, who promoted the evangelization of England and laid down the fundamental norms for chants, which later took his name. Gregory the Great was born to a wealthy Roman patrician family, some time around 540. He received a sound education, studying a range of subjects that went from the law, to the Bible, to the works of the Fathers, in particular of Saint Augustine.

  • Second Feast of the Family, an event promoted by the Governorate

    Pope Francis’ visit

    Pope Francis’ visit to the  2nd Feast of the Family, held on Saturday, 11 May, in San Michele Arcangelo Square in Vatican City State’s Governorate, was a welcome surprise. The Pontiff paused to speak to participants on the feast day promoted by the Governorate, and offered a special greeting to children and the elderly. He was welcomed by Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Pontifical Commission of Vatican City State and President of the Governorate, by Sister Raffaella Petrini, General Secretary, by Giuseppe Puglisi-Alibrandi, Vice General Secretary, and by Father Franco Fontana, Director of the Community of Salesians in the Vatican and chaplain of the Directorate of Security and Civil Protection Services and of the Vatican Museums.

  • Seconda edizione della Festa della famiglia promossa dal Governatorato

    La visita di Papa Francesco

    È stata una gradita sorpresa la visita di Papa Francesco alla seconda edizione della Festa della famiglia, sabato 11 maggio, nel piazzale San Michele Arcangelo del Governatorato dello Stato della Città del Vaticano. Il Pontefice si è soffermato a parlare con i partecipanti all'iniziativa promossa dal Governatorato e ha salutato in modo particolare i bambini e gli anziani. Ad accoglierlo, il Cardinale Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, Presidente della Pontificia Commissione per lo Stato della Città del Vaticano e Presidente dello stesso Governatorato, Suor Raffaella Petrini, Segretario Generale, Giuseppe Puglisi-Alibrandi, Vice-Segretario Generale, e don Franco Fontana, direttore della comunità salesiana in Vaticano e cappellano della Direzione dei servizi di sicurezza e di protezione civile e dei Musei Vaticani.

  • Seton Hall University grants an honorary degree in human sciences to Sister Raffaella Petrini

    Working for the good of all

    Sister Raffaella Petrini, General Secretary of the Governorate of Vatican City State, has received an honorary degree in human sciences from Seton Hall University. The official ceremony took place during the 168th Commencement ceremony on Tuesday, 21 May, in the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey, USA.

  • Siglato un Protocollo d’intesa tra la Direzione dei Servizi di Sicurezza e Protezione Civile del Governatorato dello Stato della Città del Vaticano e l’Agenzia per la cybersicurezza nazionale della Repubblica Italiana

    La Direzione dei Servizi di Sicurezza e Protezione Civile del Governatorato dello Stato della Città del Vaticano e l’Agenzia per la cybersicurezza nazionale della Repubblica Italiana (Acn) hanno siglato un Protocollo d’intesa sullo scambio informativo, le attività di formazione e i progetti di cybersicurezza per incrementare le capacità e competenze tecniche e scientifiche in materia di prevenzione del rischio legato alla criminalità nel cyberspazio.

  • Signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Directorate for Security and Civil Protection Services of the Governatorate of the Vatican City State and the Agency for National Cybersecurity of the Italian Republic

    The Directorate of Security and Civil Protection Services of the Governatorate of the Vatican City State and the Agency for National Cybersecurity of the Italian Republic (ACN) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the exchange of information, Training activities and cyber security projects to enhance technical and scientific skills and expertise in the prevention of cyber-crime risk.

  • Sister Raffaella Petrini and the Ambassador of Panama unveil a stamp to commemorate the centenary of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Panama

    Friendship linking relations between the two States

    Among the initiatives organized for the centenary of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Panama is also the issue of a stamp produced by the Post and Philately Service and the Governorate of Vatican City State.

    A reproduction of the stamp was symbolically unveiled by Sr. Raffaella Petrini, General Secretary of the Governorate and by the outgoing Ambassador of the Republic of Panama to the Holy See, H.E. Ms. Miroslava Rosas Vargas.

    The unveiling ceremony took place on Wednesday evening, 21 August, in Rome’s Basilica of San Lorenzo in Damaso in the Palazzo della Cancelleria.

    Among those present, were Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, and Father Agustín Hernández Vidales, OFM, Rector Magnificent of the Pontifical Antonianum University.

    At the end of the ceremony, Fr Antonio Pelayo Bombín, counsellor for Church affairs at the Embassy of Spain to the Holy See, presented a large volume titled, “Republic of Panama – Holy See 1923-2023, which retraces 100 years of diplomatic relations.

    Earlier, Cardinal Parolin had celebrated Mass, to farewell outgoing Ambassador, H.E. Ms. Miroslava Rosas Vargas.

    The following is the speech delivered by Sister Raffaella Petrini on the occasion:

    I greet H.E. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, all the Authorities present, and in particular, H.E. Ms. Miroslava Rosas Vargas, Ambassador of Panama.

    Today, we are sharing a moment of thanksgiving for the intense work you have undertaken in these years, whose fruits I am happy to say, include collaboration with the Governorate, thanks to which, 100 years of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Republic of Panama, have also been sealed philatelically, with the issue  of the stamp we will soon unveil.

    Initiatives such as these help to raise interest in the larger public of collectors, but also to highlight the feeling of friendship that marks relations between the two States. And this is the message that we wished to convey in the image of the two flags converging towards a reassuring and well-wishing bright background.

    Indeed, the solidity of the bond between the Holy See and the Republic of Panama was mentioned several times by Supreme Pontiffs in these 100 years, which Benedict XVI described as “constant and fruitful”, and thanks to which the work of the Church and of the State “converge” like our flags depicted here, “in seeking the common good of the same citizens, placing themselves at the service of their personal and social vocations” (Discourse of 30 October 2009).

    In 1947, Pius XII, referring to the creation of the first diocese on the mainland of the New World - Santa Maria la Antigua (Saint Mary the Ancient) – had described Panama as “the first place on the American continent where an evangelizing plant had been placed (…) to give to the New World what is best and most divine of the Old World, a message of peace and love from our Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Discourse of 11 October 1947).

    More recently, Pope Francis, who had just returned from a trip to Panama for World Youth Day, said he had met a “noble people  And nobility is not bought, it is generated, it is inherited, it is breathed, it is lived” (13 June 2019).

    I would like to express my sincere admiration for the people you represent. I renew my best wishes for an ever fruitful work in favour of your country and assure you that I will remember you in my prayers.

    Thank you.


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