Sister Raffaella Petrini and the Ambassador of Panama unveil a stamp to commemorate the centenary of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Panama

Friendship linking relations between the two States
Among the initiatives organized for the centenary of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Panama is also the issue of a stamp produced by the Post and Philately Service and the Governorate of Vatican City State.
A reproduction of the stamp was symbolically unveiled by Sr. Raffaella Petrini, General Secretary of the Governorate and by the outgoing Ambassador of the Republic of Panama to the Holy See, H.E. Ms. Miroslava Rosas Vargas.
The unveiling ceremony took place on Wednesday evening, 21 August, in Rome’s Basilica of San Lorenzo in Damaso in the Palazzo della Cancelleria.
Among those present, were Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, and Father Agustín Hernández Vidales, OFM, Rector Magnificent of the Pontifical Antonianum University.
At the end of the ceremony, Fr Antonio Pelayo Bombín, counsellor for Church affairs at the Embassy of Spain to the Holy See, presented a large volume titled, “Republic of Panama – Holy See 1923-2023, which retraces 100 years of diplomatic relations.
Earlier, Cardinal Parolin had celebrated Mass, to farewell outgoing Ambassador, H.E. Ms. Miroslava Rosas Vargas.
The following is the speech delivered by Sister Raffaella Petrini on the occasion:
I greet H.E. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, all the Authorities present, and in particular, H.E. Ms. Miroslava Rosas Vargas, Ambassador of Panama.
Today, we are sharing a moment of thanksgiving for the intense work you have undertaken in these years, whose fruits I am happy to say, include collaboration with the Governorate, thanks to which, 100 years of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Republic of Panama, have also been sealed philatelically, with the issue of the stamp we will soon unveil.
Initiatives such as these help to raise interest in the larger public of collectors, but also to highlight the feeling of friendship that marks relations between the two States. And this is the message that we wished to convey in the image of the two flags converging towards a reassuring and well-wishing bright background.
Indeed, the solidity of the bond between the Holy See and the Republic of Panama was mentioned several times by Supreme Pontiffs in these 100 years, which Benedict XVI described as “constant and fruitful”, and thanks to which the work of the Church and of the State “converge” like our flags depicted here, “in seeking the common good of the same citizens, placing themselves at the service of their personal and social vocations” (Discourse of 30 October 2009).
In 1947, Pius XII, referring to the creation of the first diocese on the mainland of the New World - Santa Maria la Antigua (Saint Mary the Ancient) – had described Panama as “the first place on the American continent where an evangelizing plant had been placed (…) to give to the New World what is best and most divine of the Old World, a message of peace and love from our Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Discourse of 11 October 1947).
More recently, Pope Francis, who had just returned from a trip to Panama for World Youth Day, said he had met a “noble people And nobility is not bought, it is generated, it is inherited, it is breathed, it is lived” (13 June 2019).
I would like to express my sincere admiration for the people you represent. I renew my best wishes for an ever fruitful work in favour of your country and assure you that I will remember you in my prayers.
Thank you.