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  • Sunday, 11 August, memorial of the death of Saint Clare of Assisi

    Universal Patron Saint of television and telecommunications

    On Christmas eve of 1252, Saint Clare was ill and confined to her dormitory bed in Assisi’s San Damiano Monastery. Her Sisters had left her on her own to recite the morning prayers but she wanted to join them at least on that night. So great was her devotion to the mystery of the Saviour’s birth that she asked the Lord to grant her wish. What took place next inspired Pius XII, seven centuries later, to proclaim Saint Clare the universal patron Saint of television and telecommunications, on 4 February 1958.  The episode is still relevant today, as the day in which we commemorate the birth in heaven of the Saint, 11 August, coincides with the day the Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Systems remembers her for her patronage.

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