Two hours in the Vatican Gardens, in the green heart of Vatican City State, is a project promoted by Vatican Museums and aimed at parents with children. Launched on 13 July and lasting through 26 October, “Capture Nature” offers the first guided tour dedicated specifically to families, where they can spend two hours in the Vatican Gardens, immersed in nature and learning outdoors. The tours take place on Saturdays. The itinerary in nature is inspired by Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter, Laudato Si’ and has the aim of raising awareness in adults and children on issues related to care for creation and protecting our Common Home.
Due ore nei Giardini, nel cuore verde dello Stato della Città del Vaticano. È l'iniziativa “Cattura la Natura” promossa dai Musei Vaticani rivolta a genitori e figli, che ha preso avvio, sabato 13 luglio, e si concluderà il 26 ottobre. Ogni sabato le famiglie possono approfittare del primo tour guidato dedicato appositamente a loro per trascorrere due ore nei Giardini Vaticani, all’insegna della natura e dell’apprendimento all’aperto. Il particolare percorso tra il verde è ispirato all’Enciclica Laudato sì' di Papa Francesco e vuole sensibilizzare adulti e bambini sui temi della tutela del creato e della salvaguardia della Casa comune.
A Korean presence in the Vatican Gardens to implore Mary for universal peace is the hope with which a mosaic of Our Lady of Peace Korean was blessed in the Vatican Gardens. The ceremony took place on Friday afternoon, 20 September, during the liturgical memorial of the Martyrs, Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gon, the first ordained priest of Korea, Saint Paul Chông Hasang and their companions.
Our Lady of Altagracia has been protecting and accompanying the people of the Dominican Republic since 1514. A replica of the venerated image can also be found in the Vatican Garden’s Bastione Maestro. According to tradition, the image appeared on an orange tree. In memory of the Apparition and in an effort to strengthen the bond between Vatican City State and the faithful of the Caribbean nation, on Tuesday morning, 23 July, Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State and Luis Emilio Montalvo Arzeno, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the Holy See, planted an orange tree in the Vatican Gardens. Salvatore Farina, Director of the Directorate for Infrastructures and Services, was also present at the tree planting event.