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  • Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga presides at a Eucharistic Concelebration in Saint Peter’s Basilica for Vatican employees, ahead of Christmas

    We are all chosen by God, like Mary

    “We too, like Mary, were chosen by God to embody his kindness, his tenderness, his mercy. He needs our hands to continue his work and our lips to announce his message”, highlighted Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, on Friday morning, 20 December, as he celebrated Holy Mass for Vatican employees at the Altar of the Chair in Saint Peter’s Basilica, in preparation for the Solemnity of Christmas.

  • Cardinal Vérgez Alzaga presides over Day 7 of the Immaculate Conception Novena in the Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles

    The Magnificat according to Blessed Cardinal Pironio

    The mystery of Mary is a mystery of “spoliation and annihilation, of hiddenness and littleness, of humility and service”, said Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, presiding over day 7 of the Immaculate Conception Novena, on Thursday evening, 5 December, in Rome’s Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles. A Eucharistic Concelebration was celebrated in the Basilica cared for by the Order of Friars Minor Conventual, prior to the recital of the Rosary and the litanies.

  • Inauguración en los Jardines Vaticanos del mosaico que representa a Cristo Pantocrátor

    Símbolo de la misión de los Trinitarios

    Jóvenes con discapacidad y sus profesores han trabajado juntos para crear un mosaico de gran valor artístico que representa a Cristo Pantocrátor. Esta obra, realizada en el taller de mosaicos del Centro de Rehabilitación Ada “Ceschin Pilone” del Instituto de los Padres Trinitarios de Venosa-Bernalda, se colocó el jueves por la mañana, 5 de diciembre, en los Jardines Vaticanos. La ceremonia estuvo presidida por el Cardenal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, Presidente de la Gobernación del Estado de la Ciudad del Vaticano.

  • Inauguration de la mosaïque représentant le Christ Pantocrator dans les jardins du Vatican

    Le symbole de la mission des Trinitaires

    Des enfants porteurs de handicap et des enseignants ont créé ensemble une précieuse mosaïque représentant le Christ Pantocrator. C’est grâce à cette collaboration – dans l’atelier de mosaïque du centre de réadaptation Ada « Ceschin Pilone » de l’Institut des Pères Trinitaires de Venosa-Bernalda – qu’est née cette nouvelle œuvre d’art qui a été installée dans les jardins du Vatican, dans la matinée du jeudi 5 décembre. La cérémonie a été présidée par le Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, Président du Gouvernorat de l’État de la Cité du Vatican.

  • Inauguration of a mosaic depicting Christ Pantocrator in the Vatican Gardens

    Symbol of the Mission of the Trinitarians

    On Thursday morning, 5 December, a mosaic depicting Christ Pantocrator, made by young people with disabilities and their teachers, was officially inaugurated in the Vatican Gardens. The impressive mosaic was the result of a collaboration with the mosaics laboratory of the Centro di Riabilitazione Ada “Ceschin Pilone” (rehabilitation centre) of the Institute of the Trinitarian Fathers of Venosa-Bernalda. Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, presided over the inauguration ceremony.

  • Inauguration of a new mobile post office in Saint Peter’s Square, in the presence of Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga and General Manager of Poste Italiane, Mr. Giuseppe Lasco

    Connecting the world

    A new mobile post office has been inaugurated in Saint Peter’s Square, just a few days before the opening of the Holy Door.

    The inauguration ceremony, with the symbolic handing over of the keys and the signing of the Act of Donation, took place on Thursday morning, 19 December.

    Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, and the General Manager of Poste Italiane, Giuseppe Lasco, cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony and signed the Act of Donation. Poste Italiane commissioned the project for the new post office to Amdl Circle and to the architect Michele De Lucchi, and then donated it to the Governorate.

  • Le Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, Président Du Gouvernorat De L'état De La Cité Du Vatican, A Conclu Le Mois De Marie Dans Les Jardins Du Vatican

    Comme tant de petites flammes devant le Cœur de Marie

    Des centaines de petites flammes, comme autant de supplications apportées au Cœur de Marie pour qu'elles atteignent le Cœur de son Fils. Ce sont celles de la longue procession qui s'est déroulée dans les Jardins du Vatican  jusqu'à la Grotte de Lourdes, dans la soirée du vendredi 31 mai. De très nombreux fidèles réunis pour la récitation du Rosaire à la lumière des flambeaux ont écouté la méditation finale du Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, Président du Gouvernorat de l'État de la Cité du Vatican.

  • Nei Giardini Vaticani inaugurato il mosaico raffigurante Cristo Pantocrator

    Simbolo della missione dei Trinitari

    Ragazzi disabili e insegnanti insieme per realizzare un mosaico di grande pregio, raffigurante il Cristo Pantocrator. Nasce da questa collaborazione - nel laboratorio del mosaico del Centro di Riabilitazione Ada “Ceschin Pilone” dell’Istituto dei Padri Trinitari di Venosa-Bernalda - la nuova opera d’arte collocata, giovedì mattina, 5 dicembre, nei Giardini Vaticani. A presiedere la cerimonia, il Cardinale Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, Presidente del Governatorato dello Stato della Città del Vaticano.

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