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  • 24 agosto: San Bartolomeo Apostolo

    Un Israelita in cui non c’è falsità

    Bartolomeo: uno dei dodici discepoli che seguì Gesù dopo poco il battesimo nel Giordano. Il suo nome si trova nei Vangeli sinottici nella lista degli Apostoli associato a Filippo, suo conterraneo.

  • 24 August: Saint Bartholomew the Apostle

    An Israelite without guile

    Bartholomew was one of the twelve disciples who followed Jesus after the Baptism in the Jordan River. His name is included in the Synoptic Gospels as one of the Apostles linked to his contemporary Philip. We know little about this Apostle, whose Feast Day is celebrated on 24 August, the day Catholic tradition dates as his martyrdom. He was originally from Cana in Galilee, near Nazareth. Jesus said of him: “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile” (Jn 1:47). In his Gospel, John speaks of Nathanael, who is Bartholomew, at least according to the exegetes.

  • 24 de agosto: San Bartolomé Apóstol

    Un israelita en quien no hay engaño

    Bartolomé, uno de los doce apóstoles que siguieron a Jesús poco después del bautismo en el Jordán, aparece en los Evangelios sinópticos en la lista de los Apóstoles, siempre junto a su paisano Felipe. 

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