Un efficace strumento di congiunzione tra i Musei Vaticani e i Patrons of the Arts per una più stretta e feconda collaborazione. È la missione dell’Ufficio Rapporti con i Patrons of the Arts of the Vatican Museum (Urpavm) che assicura la sua professionalità e competenza al servizio dell’arte e della fede. Ne parla in questa intervista Monsignor Terence Hogan, Coordinatore dell'Ufficio Rapporti con i Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums.
Forty years ago, the Holy See and the United States of America began diplomatic relations. The Governorate of Vatican City State will issue a stamp by the Post and Philately Service of the Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Systems, to commemorate the anniversary.
The Vatican Museums complex is a priceless heritage of creativity, civilization, art, history and tradition at the service of faith, with a staff of some 780 people, a number which reaches 1,000 when taking into account all its collaborators. Its exhibitions were viewed by about seven million people in 2023, and the same number of people is expected to have visited by the end of 2024. These are only some of figures of the Vatican Museums complex. At the request of Pius XI, following the Lateran Treaty, it became an organic and efficient institutional system, open to the world with an entrance built on the Vatican Walls. Barbara Jatta, who was Deputy Director of the Vatican Museums from 15 June 2016 to 1 January 2017, when she was appointed Director of the Directorate of Vatican Museums and Cultural Heritage of the Governorate of Vatican City State, speaks about the Museums in the following interview with www.vaticanstate.va.
A useful instrument of connection between the Vatican Museums and the Patrons of the Arts for a closer and more fruitful cooperation. The Mission of the Office for Relations with Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museum (Urpavm) guarantees its professionalism and competence at the service of art and faith. The following is an interview with Msgr. Terence Hogan, Coordinator of the Office for Relations with Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums.
Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, and H.E. Ms. María Isabel Celaá Diéguez, Ambassador of Spain to the Holy See, will inaugurate an exhibition titled, “Bernini’s Souls” at the Pinacoteca of the Vatican Museums on Tuesday, 19 November.
Art, culture and the Jubilee can be opportunities for solidarity and support to people affected by natural disasters, like the DANA storm system that struck Valencia. The exhibition titled, “Bernini’s Souls”, which was inaugurated on Tuesday afternoon, 19 November, at the Vatican Museums, by Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, and by H.E. Ms. Maria María Isabel Celaá Diéguez, Ambassador of Spain to the Holy See, is an expression of the close relationship between artistic masterpieces and charity. In his address, Cardinal Vérgez Alzaga expressed his sympathy to those affected by the “disastrous DANA storm system of 29 October, which devasted the Region of Valencia and other regions in Spain, last week, including Malaga and Granada”, and ensured his prayers for the victims.
The official inauguration of the new photovoltaic system in the Cortile delle Corazze at the entrance of the Vatican Museums,marks a step forward on the journey towards obtaining energy from renewable resources, in an effort to reduce carbon emissions and to respect our Common Home.
“Celebrating Francis in the time of Francis. Franciscan echoes in the Vatican Pinacoteca, 800 years after the appearance of the Stigmata”, is the theme of a conference that will be held at the Vatican Museums at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, 24 October. The event, which is part of the “Thursday in the Museums” initiative, will be live streamed.
On Wednesday afternoon, 18 December, Samsung Electronics Italia s.p.a. formalized its donation of digitaltotems and latest generation LED giant screens to Vatican City State, with the signing of the deed of donation at the Palace of the Governorate. The devices will be placed in the Vatican Museums and in Saint Peter’s Square, and will be operational by the end of December.