Quattro emissioni filateliche dedicate a personaggi che, attraverso l’esempio di vita e il messaggio di fede, si sono distinti come “testimoni di speranza” e un nuovo ufficio postale in Piazza San Pietro, oltre a un incremento dell’attuale personale in servizio e alla realizzazione di un francobollo. Sono le iniziative del Servizio Poste e Filatelia della Direzione delle Telecomunicazioni e dei Sistemi Informatici per il Giubileo 2025. Ne abbiamo parlato con don Felice Bruno, Capo Ufficio, in questa intervista a www.vaticanstate.va.
On Monday, 21 October 2024, the Post and Philately Service of the Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Systems had the pleasure of welcoming the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, H.E. Mr. Yoshifumi Tsuge, the Ambassador of Japan to the Holy See, H.E. Mr. Akira Chiba, and a small representative Delegation. The guests were accompanied on their visit by the Director of Telecommunications and Information Systems, Mr. Antonino Intersimone, Office Manager, Fr. Felice Bruno, and a group of representatives of the Service.
The Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Systems’ Post and Philately Service has launched a series of initiatives in preparation for Jubilee 2025, including the issue of four stamps dedicated to people whose exemplary lives and message of faith, have made them stand out as “witnesses of hope”, the opening of a new post office in Saint Peter’s Square and an increase in the number of current staff involved in the creation of new stamps. We spoke with Father Felice Bruno, Office Manager of the Post and Philately Service, about these news developments, in the following interview with www.vaticanstate.va.
Before I began working at the Post and Philately Service of the Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Systems, I served at the Provincial Council of the Opera Don Orione for nine years as secretary and advisor for Missions and Schools. I thus went from a very dynamic apostolate that included frequent visits to communities and activities throughout Italy and abroad, to a completely new role.
I am happy to have been welcomed warmly by everyone from the very beginning, and to have experienced from the very start a fraternal and collaborative relationship on all levels. I am very grateful to my superiors, my closest collaborators, and all the staff for their closeness and help, which are so important during the early days of adjustment. I must also admit, with satisfaction, that there is a wonderful and friendly atmosphere among the staff, which often extends beyond work with sports tournaments and social gatherings.
There is a common thread that connects my previous work to my current one: love and service to the Church and the Pope, that distinguished my founder, Saint Luigi Orione, my Congregation and my apostolate over these 33 years of religious life. This charismatic dimension, central to my religious Family, is now even more concrete and effective: it is an honour for me to be at the direct service of Vatican City and the Holy Father.
The current workforce consists in a total of 43 employees, divided into four departments: Correspondence, Sales, Philately, and Administration and Support.
The Correspondence department includes the Departures sector, where mail destined for abroad is sorted, the Arrivals sector, which handles deliveries to the Vatican, and the Packages sector.
Here are some interesting facts: there are 26 mailboxes in Vatican City, which are emptied five times a day. Mail is delivered three times a day, and direct mail is sent to 45 countries, almost on a daily basis.
Additionally, there is the “Sales” department, which includes a main cashier and counter operators who work in the central office (within the Vatican walls) and in four branches. All postal services are also available at the following locations: Vatican Museums, the Arch of the Bells, the Pontifical Lateran University (serving the university and other bodies located in that extraterritorial area), and the new post office in Saint Peter’s Square.
The “Philately’ department is responsible for the planning, study and creation of Vatican stamps. This service, which still generates great interest from collectors and enthusiasts, combines knowledge of history, art and hagiography.
In addition to providing stamps for postal services and showcasing the activities of the Holy Father, stamp issues often serve as a way for Vatican City State to commend individuals and institutions that have distinguished themselves over the centuries, in their commitment to the Church and civil society.
Lastly, there is the “Administration and Support” department, which includes staff that assists the Head of Section with secretarial activities, accounting, telegraph services, and cancellations.
The Post and Philately Service is like a mosaic in which each member of staff is a tile who, through daily and often hidden commitment, embellishes and completes the mosaic.
The Vatican Post and Philately Service is certainly among the activities of the Holy See that will be most affected by the enormous influx of pilgrims coming to Rome for Jubilee celebrations. In addition to increasing staff members and creating a Jubilee stamp, there are two special and significant initiatives planned for this occasion.
Firstly, before the start of the Holy Year, there was the inauguration of the new modern and efficient Post Office in Saint Peter’s Square, created in collaboration with Poste Italiane.
It is an innovative Post Office, a beautiful and spacious building, that is comfortable also for our staff. Set against the backdrop of Bernini's colonnade, it serves as a prestigious calling card that will attract pilgrims from all over the world.
Another very significant initiative organized for the Jubilee Year is the issue of four stamps dedicated to people whose exemplary lives and messages of faith, have made them stand out as “witnesses of hope”. In today’s difficult and complex historical period, these people are shining beacons, a lasting reminder that, despite everything, “hope does not disappoint”
Indeed, as Pope Francis reminded us in a Wednesday catechesis: “great hope is rooted in faith, and it is precisely for this reason that it is able to go beyond all hope. Yes, because it is based not on our word, but on the Word of God”.
Quatre émissions philatéliques consacrées à des personnalités qui, par l’exemple de leur vie et leur message de foi, se sont distinguées comme « témoins de l’espérance » et un nouveau bureau de poste sur la Place Saint-Pierre, ainsi qu’une augmentation du personnel actuellement en service et la création d’un timbre-poste. Telles sont les initiatives du Service postal et philatélique de la Direction des Télécommunications et des Systèmes informatiques pour le Jubilé 2025. Nous en avons parlé avec Don Felice Bruno, Chef du Bureau, dans cet entretien avec www.vaticanstate.va.
Cuatro emisiones filatélicas dedicadas a figuras que, a través de su ejemplo de vida y su mensaje de fe, se han distinguido como “testigos de esperanza”, un nuevo servicio postal en la Plaza de San Pedro, además de un aumento del personal en servicio y la emisión de un sello conmemorativo del Jubileo 2025. Estas son algunas de las iniciativas del Servicio de Correos y Filatelia de la Dirección de Telecomunicaciones y Sistemas Informáticos para el Año Santo. Sobre estos temas hemos conversado con don Felice Bruno, Jefe de la Oficina, en esta entrevista para www.vaticanstate.va.
El lunes 21 de octubre de 2024, el Servicio Postal y Filatélico de la Dirección de Telecomunicaciones y Sistemas Informáticos tuvo el honor de recibir en visita al Viceministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Japón, Excmo. Sr. Yoshifumi Tsuge, y al Embajador de Japón ante la Santa Sede, Excmo. Sr. Akira Chiba, junto con una pequeña delegación de representantes.
Nella giornata di lunedì 21 ottobre 2024, il Servizio Poste e Filatelia della Direzione delle Telecomunicazioni e dei Sistemi Informatici del Governatorato ha avuto l’onore di accogliere in visita il Vice Ministro degli Affari Esteri del Giappone, Sua Eccellenza Yoshifumi Tsuge, e l’Ambasciatore del Giappone presso la Santa Sede, Sua Eccellenza il signor Akira Chiba, insieme ad una piccola Delegazione di rappresentanza.
Le lundi 21 octobre 2024, le Service postal et philatélique de la Direction des télécommunications et des systèmes informatiques a eu l’honneur d’accueillir en visite le Vice-ministre des Affaires étrangères du Japon, S.E. M. Yoshifumi Tsuge, et l’Ambassadeur du Japon près le Saint-Siège, S.E. M. Akira Chiba, ainsi qu’une Délégation de représentants.