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First issue of the quarterly


From the heart of the state - The Governorate is told: it is the title of the quarterly online periodical, promoted and published by the Governatorate of the Vatican City State.

We present today the first issue which you will find attached.

The date chosen, 1 September, is not a coincidence, but it wants to be a contribution in favor of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. An annual event to which Pope Francis dedicates a particular message.

Each issue of the periodical will focus on a particular theme. The first is dedicated to the Encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato si' and its applications to the Governorate.

This quarterly initiative, in the intentions of Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga and Sr. Raffaella Petrini, respectively President and Secretary General, is that it becomes a reflection of the reality of the Governorate of the Vatican City State and is placed as a means of connection with the outside.

For this, it is addressed to employees, but also to all interested readers, and aims to enhance the daily work of all the realities of the State, in its many competences, to show the world that it is functional to the exercise of the Petrine ministry.

It is intended to be an instrument for training, knowledge, debate and institutional communication.

Integrating with the portal and institutional social media -X (Twitter) and Instagram- the periodical carries out an action of support to the needs of communication, on the occasion of some specific deadlines and with particular reference to current issues.


Tagged under: news periodico

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