Remembering Father Sabino Maffeo, who served at the Vatican Observatory for many years

Father Sabino Maffeo, SJ, died peacefully on 21 January in the Jesuit Saint Peter Canisius Residence, in Rome’s Via dei Penitenziari, at the age of 102. He spent 87 of those as a member of the Society of Jesus.
Born on 1 November 1922 in Somma Vesuviana to a deeply devout family, he entered the Novitiate of the Society of Jesus in Galloro (Ariccia), on 1 November 1937. He made his first religious vows and finished high school. After a time in the Juniorate, he studied philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He spent a more apostolic time, studying philosophy and theology in Rome and Bologna, while at the same time, studying physics in local universities and obtaining a degree. He then returned to Rome to study theology again at the Pontifical Gregorian University. He was ordained a priest in 1953, and professed his solemn vows in the Society of Jesus, in 1956.
His first appointment was as a physics and religion professor at the Massimiliano Massimo Jesuit College in Rome. He distinguished himself for his great teaching skills and for his humanity. He loved to say that, thanks to him, the physics cabinet had greatly improved. He also served as Rector of the College.
Between 1968 and 1973, he served as Provincial for the Society of Jesus’ Rome Province. They were difficult years for the Church and for the Society. However, all the Jesuits of the time remember his kindness and generosity. In 1973, he was called to serve at the Holy See as Technical Director of Vatican Radio, at a time when radio was undergoing complex changes, with the opening of the Santa Maria di Galera station and the installation of rotating antennas for short wave radio transmission. Here too, he left a lasting impression among the technicians, who greeted him with great affection whenever they saw him.
Father Maffeo began serving at the Vatican Observatory in 1985 and left in 2018, when due to health reasons, he was sent to live with the Jesuit community of Saint Peter Canisius. He was the first Superior of the Jesuit Community at the Vatican Observatory. He later served as deputy director of administration. He worked hard to promote astronomy, welcoming many groups and showing the Observatory and its telescopes to visitors. He also dedicated himself to the history of astronomy, His most important work, titled “La Specola Vaticana: Nove Papi una Missione” (The Vatican Observatory: Nine Popes, One Mission”, is still used as the handbook on the history of the Pontifical Observatory. He also wrote about Father Angelo Secchi, SJ, the founder of modern astrophysics.
The asteroid 33053Sabinomaffeo was named after Father Sabino Maffeo, SJ. He was a great example and a great treasure for the Vatican Observatory.
His funeral will take place on Friday morning, 24 January at 11:00 a.m., in the Chapel of Saint Francis Borgia in the General Curia of the Society of Jesus.
Fr. Gabriele Gionti, S.J.
Vatican Observatory