A room in the headquarters of the National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) dedicated to Blessed Carlo Acutis

The virtual world as a pinnacle of dignity and freedom
A room at the offices of the Republic of Italy’s National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) has been dedicated to Blessed Carlo Acutis. Sr. Raffaella Petrini, Secretary General of the Governorate of Vatican City State, participated in the dedication ceremony, held on Monday afternoon, 4 November, at the Agency’s headquarters in Rome.
In his address at the ceremony, the Director General of the National Cybersecurity Agency, Prefect Bruno Frattasi, highlighted that the room dedicated to young Blessed Carlo Acutis, is “the largest and most beautiful one in the Agency’s new headquarters”. Many know about “Carlo’s passion for computers and that he was fascinated by the great opportunities it opened up, even then”, the Prefect said, adding that for Carlo, the Internet was “a place of exhilarating freedom, where an encounter between people could occur in mutual trust and fraternity, giving rise to a boundless and peaceful community of men and women, a place where there is no room for Evil”.
The Prefect reaffirmed that the Agency’s task consists in ensuring that “the cyber dimension mirrors this aspiration”. “I cannot say whether Carlo had really yearned for this of course, but I know that the essence and aim of our work is to affirm the Good, in the context of security, which in the virtual world, means the defence of the freedom and dignity of Mankind”.
Andrea Acutis, Carlo’s father, who was connected online during the ceremony, extended a brief greeting to participants.
Dedicating a room to Carlo Acutis – which was also blessed -- in such a prestigious and significant place was a gesture of trust in Blessed Carlo, for his computer skills and for having used the means of social communication for the good of the community. It is not the first time that the Agency has mentioned Carlo. Last May, after the anniversary of his death, it had pointed to him as a good example for young people who wanted to responsibly approach the social media world and professions in cybersecurity.
Among those present at the dedication ceremony were: Director General of the National Cybersecurity Agency, Prefect Bruno Frattasi, Deputy Director General, Nunzia Ciardi, Deputy Secretary General of the Governorate, Mr. Giuseppe Puglisi-Alibrandi, and Director of the Governorate’s Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Systems, Mr. Antonino Intersimone.