Cardinal Vérgez Alzaga presides over ceremony in which 49 employees made their profession of faith and took their oath of fidelity, at the Church of Mary, Mother of the Family

The profession of faith and the oath of fidelity are two important events in the lives of the employees of the Governorate, which occur after they are hired on a trial basis. Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, presided at the so-called swearing ceremony on Thursday morning, 13 February, in the Governorate’s Church of Mary, Mother of the Family. Also present were Sister Raffaella Petrini, Secretary General of the Governorate, and a number of Directors.
The 49 newly-hired employees first recited the profession of the faith, according to the Nicene-Constantinople Creed, and then the oath of fidelity, by which they committed themselves to:
- carry out the duties entrusted to me with professionalism, efficacy, loyalty and fidelity, observing the general rules and specific provisions that will be submitted to me by the Superiors and protecting the true legitimate interests of the Apostolic See;
- be inspired by the social doctrine of the Catholic Church and be committed to implementing its principles so as to foster a harmonious and peaceful human coexistence and to promote mutual respect in the workplace;
- work with a spirit of service to the ecclesial mission of the Successors of Peter, to which the integrity of the faith and the unity of the Church is entrusted;
- observe the secrecy of the office, as demanded by the nature of the mandate or requested by legitimate superiors.