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The latest book by Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, Director of the Vatican Observatory

Astronomy: an experience of wonder and contemplation

A Jesuit’s Guide to the Stars: Exploring Wonder, Beauty, and Science, published in February 2025, is the title of the latest book by Brother Guy Consolmagno. Originally from Detroit, Michigan, Brother Consolmagno has a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree from MIT, as well as a PhD in planetary sciences from the University of Arizona. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1989, and was appointed Director of the Vatican Observatory by Pope Francis, in 2015. 

Published in English by Loyola Press, his new book explores the fascinating relationship between faith, science and the universe, through the eyes of a Jesuit astronomer. Starting from Ignatian spirituality and the invitation to “find God in all things”, the book is a collection of Brother Consolmagno’s life experiences and personal reflections, intertwined with the history of Jesuit astronomy. All too often, religion and astronomy are seen as rivals, when in fact, they are not an end in themselves, but rather instruments aimed at helping us reach the same goal: the truth.

A Jesuit’s Guide to the Stars: Exploring Wonder, Beauty, and Science, invites readers to look at the stars with the eyes of science, with their hearts and with their souls. It aims to show that, through contemplation of the cosmos, knowledge of astronomy and Jesuit spirituality can complement each other, leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves, the universe and God. Astronomy is not just an investigation into the laws of the universe, but also an experience of wonder and contemplation that can enrich faith.

Brother Consolmagno explores the origins of Jesuit interest in astronomy, accompanying historical facts with stories from his life, including his training and religious vocation.

The book is filled with images and colourful photographs of celestial bodies, and is for anyone who is fascinated by the intersection of science and spirituality. Its approachable narrative style makes it accessible to both astronomy enthusiasts and those who seek a wider outlook on the dialogue between faith and reason.

Maura Turoli


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