An interview with Professor Andrea Arcangeli, Director of the Directorate of Health and Hygiene

Assistance to all Vatican residents and employees
The Governorate’s Directorate of Health and Hygiene is responsible for medical and health care, public health and hygiene, emergency medical care and first aid throughout the territory of Vatican City State, the Pontifical Villas and other buildings and areas provided for by the Lateran Treaty. The first health care system of the Sacred Apostolic Palaces has its roots in the Pontificate of Leo XIII, in October 1893. Through many changes over the years, it is now organized into the Directorate of Health and Hygiene, as it is known by Vatican residents and employees. In particular, it has 26 doctors, specialized in different fields. The following is an interview with Professor Andrea Arcangeli, Director of Directorate of Health and Hygiene of the Governorate of Vatican City State.
When did the Directorate of Health and Hygiene start its activities?
The first formal establishment of a health care centre dates back to 10 October 1893, when Leo XIII approved the Regulations for the Health Care and Hygiene Service of the Holy Apostolic Palaces. Subsequently, by order of the Governor of the State in 28 September 1929, jurisdiction in this matter was transferred from the Prefect of the Sacred Apostolic Palaces to the Governor of the State. Another important act was the establishment of a permanent emergency medical staff with a medical and surgical office attached to the Vatican Pharmacy. Two dates were crucial in the modern version of the current structure: in 1943, during the Pontificate of Pius XII, the Health Services received administrative autonomy within the Governorate and, in 1969, with a decree, the Health Services Directorate was formally established.
More recently, the Law on the Government of Vatican City State of 16 July 2002, outlined the objectives and territorial competences of the Directorate. On 11 February 2022, the new Regulation of the Directorate of Health and Hygiene of Vatican City State was promulgated ad experimentum by decree of the President of the Pontifical Commission of Vatican City State.
What are your responsibilities?
The areas of intervention and activities are defined by the new Regulation of the Directorate, according to which: the Directorate of Health and Hygiene includes medical care, public health and hygiene, and emergency medical care. The Directorate is responsible for the protection of public health and hygiene in the territory of the Vatican City State. It also carries out its activities in the Pontifical Villas of Castel Gandolfo and in the other buildings and areas referred to in articles 15 and 16 of the Lateran Treaty (art.1).
The Directorate carries out its activities in order to guarantee health and personal care and provides the following services (art. 2): medical assistance; work supervision and health protection; forensic medicine; prevention and prophylaxis of infectious diseases; food monitoring; veterinary health; and thanatology. It is also responsible for maintaining relations with international and foreign health institutions and bodies and for implementing the guidelines and directives of the governing bodies. Furthermore, the Directorate cooperates with the Vatican Pharmacy.
Can you provide some figures: how many people are there, how many doctors, nurses and staff are on duty and what kind of medical areas do you cover?
Our service is aimed at the members of the Health Care Fund, the Cardinals, the Patriarchs and Bishops, and the citizens and residents of Vatican City. Health care at the Polyclinic of the Directorate of Health and Hygiene is provided by: 19 internists who carry out basic medical care at the internal medicine outpatient service and the emergency medical service; 48 specialist doctors in the main specialized branches who provide specialist medical care; 5 specialist doctors with non-assistance tasks; 10 specialist doctors who carry out emergency health activities on the territory of the State; 4 consulting doctors for various institutional activities, 2 psychologists who provide psychotherapeutic activities, 4 biologists who perform activities within the clinical pathology laboratory; 2 nursing coordinators; 9 nurses; 10 technical assistance workers; 4 religious nurses.
Which specialist services does the polyclinic of the Directorate of Health and Hygiene provide?
There are many services. They include: angiology, dentistry and dental hygiene, cardiology, orthopaedics, ear, nose and throat specialists, audiology, surgery, paediatrics, dermatology, pneumology, diabetology, psychiatry, endocrinology, rheumatology, gastroenterology, urology, geriatrics, physiotherapy, gynaecology, laboratory analysis, neurology, diagnostic imaging (ultrasound and radiology), ophthalmology and psychotherapy.
How does the Pope’s special medical care system work?
The institutional tasks of the Directorate of Health and Hygiene includes the protection of the Holy Father’s health.
What kind of first aid services do you offer to the faithful and visitors of the state?
First aid services are guaranteed to all subjects present on the territory of Vatican City (pilgrims, visitors, etc.). If further medical examinations or treatment is required, the ambulance with doctor on, is transfererd to the emergency services of the Italian State’s health facilities.
(Nicola Gori)