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Vatican Delegation at the ITU Global Standard Symposium (GSS-24)

Human development requires the ethical use of technology

Integral human development “calls forth an ethically responsible use of technology”.  If this is true for relatively simple technologies, “it is even more necessary in relation to the use of artificial intelligence, which, in the words of Pope Francis, ‘represents a true cognitive-industrial revolution’”, Sr. Raffaella Petrini, Secretary General of the Governorate, highlighted in her address at the ITU Global Standard Symposium (GSS-24). Sr. Petrini, who heads the Vatican Delegation, was speaking to the High Level Segment on the theme “ Catalyzing Change: Industry & Ministerial Leaders Crafting the Future of Innovation”. The global conference took place on 14 October in New Delhi, India, ahead of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-24) which will be held from 15-20 October.

Members of the Vatican Delegation include: Mr. Antonino Intersimone and Mr. Luigi Salimbeni, Director and Deputy Director respectively, of the Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Systems of the Governorate, and Mr. Francesco Masci and Mr. Sergio Salvatori, Director and technical officer respectively, of the Technological Direction of the Dicastery for Communication.

During her speech, the Secretary General noted that despite the “powerful outcome of technological progress, AI remains a tool at the service of the human being”, adding that  “criteria chosen to train AI models and the data used to feed those models, to perfect their results, are crucial factors to determine if fundamental human rights are respected, if systems are reliable and long lasting, if technology is indeed sustainable”.

Sr. Petrini also highlighted that the “role of international cooperation, based on honest dialogue, is essential to establish shared policies that can guide the development of these models according to safety standards and ethical principles”.

The Vatican Delegation’s participation and the Secretary General’s address to the High Level Segment with ministers and leaders in the sector provided an important contribution to the debate on the future of innovation, reaffirming moral and ethical fundamental points, from the perspective of the Petrine Magisterium.

This fifth Global Standards Symposium (GSS-24)  saw the participation of thought leaders, innovators and decision-makers from across the world and was open both to ITU members and non-members. It was chaired by Dr. Rajkumar Upadhyay, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Project Board at the Centre for Development of Telematics.

The GSS-24 tried to reflect on how innovative technology and international standards are reshaping the digital future.

After being received by Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli, Apostolic Nuncio in India, on its arrival in New Delhi, the Vatican Delegation participated in a Eucharistic Celebration in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, presided by Archbishop Girelli.

At the end of Holy Mass, the parish priest of the Cathedral, Fr. Francis Swaminathan, expressed his gratitude to the Vatican Delegation for its presence.

The following is the text of Sr. Raffaella Petrini’s address, which she delivered in English. It focuses on two key questions.


What role do you see for international cooperation in establishing AI governance

standards that promote transparency, fairness, and accountability?


Mr. Chair,

My Delegation is very pleased to take part in the I.T.U. Global Standard Symposium

and thanks the Board of ITU for having convened this meeting on such a relevant


Technological progress, with its impressive achievements, is closely linked to human

development. Technology enables us to reduce risks, to improve our work and our

conditions of life. However, integral human development calls forth an ethically

responsible use of technology. If this is true for relatively simple technologies, it is


even more necessary in relation to the use of artificial intelligence, which, in the

words of Pope Francis, “represents a true cognitive-industrial revolution” 1 .

Although a powerful outcome of technological progress, AI remains a tool at the

service of the human being. The criteria chosen to train AI models and the data used

to feed those models, to perfect their results, are crucial factors to determine if

fundamental human rights are respected, if systems are reliable and long lasting, if

technology is indeed sustainable.

The role of international cooperation, based on honest dialogue, is essential to

establish shared policies that can guide the development of these models according to

safety standards and ethical principles. In our globalized society cooperation can be a

challenging task, but necessary to produce shared reflections and political solutions

aimed at seeking what is good and just. We need “a cross-disciplinary dialogue aimed

at an ethical development of algorithms – an algor-ethics – in which values will shape

the directions taken by new technologies” 2 .

 Technology, with its tremendous impact on human society, is born for a purpose: it

is an instrument for building up the good of every human being and a better

tomorrow for all. Therefore, it must have an ethical “inspiration”; that international

cooperation must seek and protect for present and future generations. This ethical

“inspiration” today exemplifies a concrete form of solidarity that allows governments

to set priorities and organizations to take responsibilities for all their stakeholders.

International cooperation is the fruit of what Pope Francis defines as “healthy

politics” which, by involving different sectors and skills, can oversee technological

development and create the conditions to make the good use of technology, including

AI, “possible and fruitful”. Thank you.


What advice would you give to other leaders on how to navigate the complexities of

driving innovation in an uncertain and rapidly changing global environment?

Setting priorities based upon the good of the human person and establishing policies

guided by ethical principles is a primary goal.  I would also like to recall here the

Holy See's proposal for an International Agency on Artificial Intelligence to develop

a normative and operational framework regarding the peaceful use of artificial

intelligence. Thank you. 



[1] Pope Francis, Address, G7 Session on Artificial Intelligence, Borgo Egnazio, 14th June 2024.

[2] Pope Francis, Message for the 57th World Day of Peace, 1st January 2024.

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