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The Benedictine nuns of the Vatican’s Mater Ecclesiae Monastery

Prayer and work at the service of the Pope and our brothers and sisters

Their life and their work

In response to an invitation by the Holy Father, as of January 2024, the Benedictine nuns of the Abbey of Santa Scolastica in Argentina have resumed their ministry of prayer, adoration, lauds and reparations at the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, in the Vatican Gardens, to support the Holy Father in his daily care for the whole Church.

Although small in number, the Mater Ecclesiae community, represents and is supported by the community of the Abbey of Santa Scolastica in Victoria, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Diocese of San Isidro.

Ora et labora...


The six Benedictine nuns who reside in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery abide by the time schedule and the customs of the Abbey of Santa Scolastica, to whom they are linked by a vow of stability.

They wake up at 4:30 a.m. and begin prayers in the Church at 5:00 a.m. -- the Office of Vigils. Before dawn, they rise like a vigilant Church in expectation of Christ, who filled with forgiveness, comes to rouse the love of all. This prayer lasts one hour. At 6:50 a.m., they return to Church to sing the Office of Lauds -- Lauds as the sun rises from above like Jesus Christ who illuminates everything with his presence. At 7:30 at the end of Lauds, the nuns participate in a Eucharistic celebration, which is also open to the faithful. This is followed by one hour of Lectio Divina, personal prayer with the Word of God. At 9:00 a.m. they participate in the prayer of the Third Hour, which recalls the mystery of Pentecost, and invoke a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so that his gifts may assist and enliven the Church every day. The rest of the morning is dedicated to various duties, including cleaning, cooking and making confectionary products for sale.

After completing their work duties, at 12:30, the nuns gather for the prayer of the Sixth Hour, which recalls the moment in which Christ, raised on the Cross, redeemed the whole world. In this way, they offer him the work and efforts of all mankind. Around 3:00 p.m., the nuns gather for the prayer of the Ninth Hour, the hour of grace in which they commemorate the death of Jesus Christ, who offered his forgiveness from the Cross and gave himself to the Father for love of mankind. They then share some community recreational time, in which they strengthen their fraternal bonds in simplicity and joy. In the afternoon, they go back to work until Vespers, when after a day dedicated to prayer and work, Christ calls them to gather in thanksgiving to the Father for the gifts received, especially for the Eucharist, and to ask them to support the faith and hope of all the faithful. After another hour of Lectio Divina, they have supper, and before retiring for bed, they turn their imploring voices to the Hour of Compline, placing their rest and that of all people in to the Father’s hands.

Thus, to the rhythm of prayer with the psalms on their lips, they pray as they sing, and they work as they pray, living in love joy and praise, as a reminder to the world that there are contemplative communities, who give themselves to Christ, intercede on behalf of all people and remind God, day and night in all seasons, that humans today search for him without knowing so, love him and need him.


Et labora...  

In line with Saint Benedict’s words, “they are truly monks when they live by the labor of their hands”, as they used to do in Argentina, the Mater Ecclesiae community runs a pastry workshop, which was kindly set up by the Governorate. Most of their work time is spent there, making a variety of confectionary products. Among them are the following products:


- lemon biscuits

- chocolate and mint biscuits

- chocolate and walnut biscuits

- chocolate and pistachio alfajores (sandwich biscuits)

- lemon alfajores

- Dulce de leche and coconut alfajores

- Polvorones  (crumbly biscuits)

- candied orange peel dipped in chocolate

- chocolate donuts

- Welsh cakes

- sponge cake (English)

- fruit cake

Even though they have only just begun to produce the sweets, the nuns hope that people will try their products and appreciate them… It is a team effort in which everyone cooperates, both in production and in packaging. The only thing that makes their products stand out among other good and diverse products available on the market, is that they try to make them with the best ingredients in a climate of silence and prayer, praying above all for those who will eat them, in the hope that they will appreciate them for their flavor, but also in the hope that the Lord’s peace and grace may reach their souls… As Advent approaches and the year of grace of the Jubilee, the nuns are already planning special Christmas cookies.

The Benedictine nuns consider the Holy Father’s special invitation to be a grace and a sign of predilection, Their prayers include all the concerns and intentions of Pope Francis, in particular at this time, his tireless appeal for peace and his call for prayers for the Holy Year.

In their intention to be faithful to this mission, they ask everyone to pray for them.

The Benedictine Nuns

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