Cooperation between the Governorate and Bocconi University

Training at the centre
The Bocconi Government and University of Milan: a valuable collaboration that is expressed in a double exchange. First, the training for the employees of the Governorate itself and the possibility for students of the university to have a direct experience within the organization of the Vatican Museums. Maria Anna Circelli, the Governor’s delegate for special tasks, who also deals with staff training, talks about this in this interview.
How was the collaboration between the Governorate and the Bocconi University born?
It was born from the desire of the Secretary General, Sister Raffaella Petrini, to start a new route of structuring the training of the Staff of the Governorate. The collaboration with Bocconi University was born on the basis of a previous relationship that the University had directly with the Directorate of Museums and Cultural Heritage.
The cooperation is free of charge for both parties. In view of the educational offer made available online, the Government welcomes students of the SDA Bocconi masters in events that provide special and exclusive guided tours and training on the management of the Museum
How did the training of employees in the Governorate come about?
Sister Raffaella Petrini, has commissioned me to study the documentation of the existing collaboration and to provide a proposal for a new Convention to be signed with the Bocconi University that would be mutually satisfactory.
The interest of the Government is to invest in human resources so that professional growth paths can lead to raise the quality of work and services to users. It started with the involvement of two Directorates: Museums and Cultural Heritage and Economy. Plans are gradually to bring in staff from more than one organisation and offer excellent training courses as a reward for performance.
What kind of courses are these?
These are high-level training courses. 75 courses were awarded for the first year. The subjects covered are in the field of Economics and Management. Attendance is online on demand. The duration of 5 to 6 weeks. Courses can be taken during working hours. Each module ends with a questionnaire which requires 100% correct answers. The next module is not accessed without completing the questionnaires. A certificate of participation is issued at the end of the course.
Do you have other initiatives planned?
We will continue the training in the next year. We will evaluate the training offer of Bocconi University and take into account what the staff who attended the courses has shown in a special questionnaire submitted at the end of the course.
What do the Vatican Museums offer to the Bocconi University?
Through the Directorate of Museums and Cultural Heritage, Bocconi is given the opportunity to offer students attending master’s degrees specific for museum management days of in-depth visits with environments, exhibition rooms management, organization of staff, conferences on the activities carried out, management criteria, mission, reception, research and restoration, reception. The last event on 13 June 2024 was attended by about 50 students from 31 different nationalities. These are graduates of Bocconi or other universities who attend the master’s degree in arts management and administration.
These young people had the privilege of visiting the deserted museum, without public, before its opening. They witnessed the opening of the doors including that of the Sistine Chapel, opened directly by a student behind the wise guide of Clavigero. They were all very enthusiastic and interested in seeing places, works, guides and staff put at their disposal. They were accompanied by the teachers of Bocconi. The tour ended with a visit to the Sistine Chapel, where the daily activities of those who work there barely took on life.
After the visit to the Sistine Chapel what did the course include?
The students were welcomed in the Conference Room, where the Secretary General spoke and masterfully brought attention to the nature of the mission of the Vatican Museums which is not primarily that of business, rather that of evangelizing through art. The Secretary General stressed that in all activities, the central focus is on man, the individual with his particularities in the context of the beauty of art.
The visitor is also at the centre of the event, and must receive care, attention and well-being. The director, Dr Barbara Jatta, spoke about the Museum’s areas of activity with insights into the scientific area and restoration in particular. The director highlighted the very high specialization of staff and highlighted excellence in research and scientific activity in general. The deputy director of management and administration, Dr. Alberto Albanesi, then explained the structure and administrative management. Finally, Mr. Massimiliano Giovanetti, of the Public Relations office, has made a valuable contribution on the theme of reception and communication. Students had time and space to ask their questions, and were able to find answers in the competent preparation and experience of the speakers.