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A stamp that unites Saint Peter’s Cupola and the Panama Canal to celebrate the centenary of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Panama

This year marks the centenary of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Panama. To commemorate the event, on 21 May, the Governorate of Vatican City State issued a stamp, produced by the Post and Philately Service.

The stamp will be presented, with the symbolic official cancellation on stamped envelope, on Wednesday afternoon, 21 August, at the end of a eucharistic celebration in Rome’s San Lorenzo in Damaso Basilica, presided by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State.

Sister Raffaella Petrini, General Secretary of the Governorate of Vatican City State, and the outgoing Ambassador of Panama to the Holy See, H.E. Miroslava Rosas Vargas, will attend the presentation. A commemorative volume for the centenary of diplomatic relations will also be offered.

The image of the stamp features two flags and two symbolic images of the two nations: the Cupola of Saint Peter and a landscape that ideally unites the Panama Canal depicting a sunrise on the Pacific Ocean and a sunset on the Atlantic Ocean, that can only be seen in this part of the world.

The Governorate of Vatican City State opens an official X (Twitter) account

The Governorate of Vatican State has inaugurated its X (Twitter) account, aimed at informing the public on its activities.

The creation of the account, “Governatorato SCV”, has the aim of reaching people and bodies that primarily use social media to get their information, and strengthening wide-ranging communication to make the activities of the Governorate known.

Santa Chiara d'Assisi (part.), wooden table attributed to the Master of Santa Chiara (1283), in both sides eight panels tell anecdotes of his life (Left transept of the Basilica della Santa in Assisi)

Sunday, 11 August, memorial of the death of Saint Clare of Assisi

Universal Patron Saint of television and telecommunications

On Christmas eve of 1252, Saint Clare was ill and confined to her dormitory bed in Assisi’s San Damiano Monastery. Her Sisters had left her on her own to recite the morning prayers but she wanted to join them at least on that night. So great was her devotion to the mystery of the Saviour’s birth that she asked the Lord to grant her wish. What took place next inspired Pius XII, seven centuries later, to proclaim Saint Clare the universal patron Saint of television and telecommunications, on 4 February 1958.  The episode is still relevant today, as the day in which we commemorate the birth in heaven of the Saint, 11 August, coincides with the day the Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Systems remembers her for her patronage.

An interview with the engineer, Salvatore Farina, Director of the Governorate’s Directorate for Infrastructures and Services

The technological beating heart

A technological heart filled with humanity that cares for the environment. A structure aimed at making a leap in matters of development, with particular attention to the development and safeguarding of staff and to upgrading their security skills. The following is an interview with the engineer and former Italian army chief, Salvatore Farina, who was appointed Director of the Directorate for Infrastructures and Services of the Governorate of Vatican City State by Pope Francis, on 15 February of this year.

An interview with the Director of the Vatican Pharmacy

A spirit of welcome and charitable hospitality

The Vatican Pharmacy is unique and distinguishes itself from other pharmacies not only because it is located inside Vatican City State and because of its wide range of products, but also because it provides a service that is almost a mission, that of contributing to the health of the body and giving hope to those who suffer, inspired by the charism of Saint John of God. Brother Binish Thomas Mulackal of the Order of Fatebenefratelli, Director of the Vatican Pharmacy, speaks about this in the following interview.

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