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Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga bestowed with the Order of the Quetzal of Guatemala

A sign of friendship between the Vatican and Guatemala

Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Pontifical Commission of Vatican City State and President of the Governorate, has been awarded with the highest national honour of Guatemala, the Order of the Quetzal. The award ceremony was held on Thursday morning, 20 June, in the Palace of the Governorate. Guatemalan Minister, Ambassador Carlos Ramiro Martínez Alvarado, and Alfredo Vásquez Rivera, Ambassador of Guatemala to the Holy See, attended the ceremony as representatives of the Guatemalan government.

Pope meets with participants in a conference promoted by the Vatican Observatory

Faith and science united in charity

“Faith and science can be united in charity, provided that science is put at the service of the men and woman of our time and not misused to harm or even destroy them. I encourage you, then, to press forward to the outer limits of human knowledge. For there, we can come to experience the God of love, who fulfils the deepest yearnings of the human heart”, Pope Francis said on Thursday morning, 20 June, to participants in the second international conference dedicated to Msgr. Georges Lemaître (1894-1966), the Belgian physicist who developed what is today known as the Big Bang theory.

General Secretary participates in a workshop on transparency and responsibility in the Catholic Church

The financial reform has brought great changes

“The financial reform that Pope Benedict began and that Pope Francis continued with dedication has brought great changes to the structures and procedures of the Holy See and Vatican City State”, said Sister Raffaella Petrini, Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist and General Secretary of Vatican City State, in her address to participants in a workshop on “Transparency and Accountability in the Catholic Church: A Practical Journey”. The meeting was held on Wednesday morning, 19 June, in the Old Synod Hall in the Vatican.

Presentation of a commemorative stamp for the 160th anniversary of the Foundation of the Italian Red Cross

Everywhere for everyone

Solidarity, fraternal help, assistance without distinction are the values that the Vatican Post Office wished to celebrate with the joint issue of the commemorative stamp for the 160th anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Red Cross, with the postal administrations of Italy, San Marino and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The stamp depicts Italian Red Cross volunteers involved in  rescue operations at the site of the collapse of the Polcevera Viaduct, known as the Morandi Bridge, in Genoa on 14 August 2018. The stamp was unveiled by the engineer, Antonino Intersimone, Director of the Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Systems of the Governorate.

The Vatican Specola promotes a scientific conference dedicated to Monsignor Georges Lemaître

Black holes, gravitational waves and spatio-temporal singularities

"Black holes, gravitational waves and spatio-temporal singularities": this is the theme of the scientific conference that will take place in Castel Gandolfo from 17 to 21 June. Promoted by the Vatican Observatory, scientific body of the Governatorate - and supported by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), one of the most important public research institutes in Italy - The international meeting is a reminder of the scientific legacy of Monsignor Georges Lemaître (1894-1966), the Belgian physicist who developed what is now known as the Big Bang theory.

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